Last year, the festive award ceremony unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, so we are all the more pleased that the Irene and Friedrich Vorwerk Foundation was able to welcome many award winners again this year at Hotel Wiechern in Todtglüsingen. The six best Bachelor of Science degrees, two first-class study projects and the six best Master's theses were honoured with the coveted „Förderpreis 2020“.
Dr Christof Nesemeier, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of FRIEDRICH VORWERK SE & Co. KG explained: "The cooperation with the HafenCity University Hamburg is a supporting pillar of our foundation's work. It is therefore a matter close to our hearts to show our appreciation to you as the upcoming generation of designers of tomorrow's living spaces through this award. We hope you will regard this award as the first milestone in your professional career and that it will be followed by many more".
The President of HafenCity University, Professor Jörg Müller-Lietzkow, congratulated the award winners and emphasised: "HCU is very grateful to the Foundation, not only for your generosity, but above all for the loyalty and continuity that HCU students and teachers greatly appreciate. The award rounds off this very positive impression in a lasting way and we are already looking forward to next year in Tostedt."
Prof. Thomas Krüger, Head of Project Development and Project Management in Urban Planning, explained that "the Vorwerk Award has great significance for the Urban Planning degree programme because it motivates students to achieve top results. For the future urban planners, it is not only necessary to provide good utilisation and design planning, but also to always consider the linkage to the technical infrastructure. This is currently developing rapidly in the course of digitalisation, which is what Vorwerk stands".
Torben Kleinfeldt, Chairman of the Foundation Board, was delighted with the great atmosphere at the award ceremony and praised the excellent work and above-average commitment of the HafenCity University students.
You can find out more about the award-winning work at Irene_und_Friedrich_Vorwerk_Stiftung_Preisverleihung_2021.pdf (hcu-hamburg.de)