Based on the network development plan “Gas 2014“, Open Grid Europe (OGE) is building a new compressor station in Herbstein (Hesse; near Fulda) which is mainly supposed to compress quantities of gas of the existing pipeline “Werne-Schlüchtern“ (No. 56) for the gas transport from north to south and vice versa. In addition, the quantities of gas from the pipelines “Werne-Schlüchtern“ and “Lauterbach-Vitzeroda“ (No. 57) are supposed to be compressed to the pipeline “Lauterbach-Scheidt“ (No. 83). Up to now, the distance between the compressing facilities on the pipeline no. 56 in Werne and in Rimpar is more than 300 km.
On the whole, three compressor units will be built at this location. These are each powered by a gas turbine with an individual drive power of 13 MW. Furthermore, the necessary auxiliary systems such as filters, gas coolers as well as operation and utility buildings will be constructed. The commissioning of the plant is scheduled for 2018.
After an extensive planning and calculation phase and a lengthy award of contract process, the VORWERK Company was commissioned with all of the pipeline installation works along with all of the auxiliary works. The first installation and pipeline construction works have started in September 2016.
The construction site is provided “just-in-time” with prefabricated components with nominal diameters of DN 900, DN1000, DN1100 and DN 1200 by VORWERK-ASA, our company location in Herne. By using the MAG welding process, the productivity is increased further.
Due to the large nominal diameters and pipe wall thickness, VORWERK will be using automatic front end welding on site for the first time. Additional manual welding crews are supporting these works.
The difficult material situation on the client’s side currently requires extensive planning and constant reorganisation on site as well as the need to quickly take action when necessary in order to comply with the OGE’s tight schedule.