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In the course of the construction of the B 252/ B62 from Münchhausen, Wetter and Lahntal carried out by Hessen Mobil, it became necessary to re-route the natural gas pipeline Werne-Schlüchtern (line No. 56) due to several crossings with the B 252/ B 62.

Open Grid Europe GmbH has commissioned a joint venture formed by the Anton Meyer GmbH and the FRIEDRICH VORWERK KG (GmbH & Co.) to carry out these works. While VORWERK has assumed the technical leadership, the Anton Meyer GmbH is responsible for the commercial aspect of the project.

The natural gas pipeline No. 56 with a diameter of DN 1200 will be re-routed over a length of 2000 m. This new route is located entirely in the lowland of the river Lahn and an inflow of the river Wetschaft and mostly runs through agriculturally used areas. Furthermore, several roads and paths, the railway track between Warburg and Sarnau, the river Wetschaft as well other trenches and streams are being crossed.

The main part of the pipe route will be laid using the open building method. In addition, three closed crossings using pipe jacking are planned. We would like to draw special attention to the crossing of the river Wetschaft which will be carried out by means of the Direct Pipe technology. A high amount of groundwater can be expected along the entire distance of the pipe route.

The decommissioned pipeline will be demolished to the same length. In the area of the demolition route, the crossings with the drainage trenches and streams will be openly deconstructed. For the deconstruction of the crossings with the river Wetschaft, the railway track between Warburg and Sarnau, the railway in the direction of Marburg, the Biedenkopfer Straße (B62) as well as the Kasseler Straße (B62) only deconstruction pits will be built, the product pipe will be removed and the jacket pipe will be tamped afterwards.

While the construction of the pipeline is scheduled for the period between April and October 2017, the deconstruction of the old pipeline is scheduled for 2018.